
LogView++ is an advance application that lets engineer, geologist, and petrophysicist to quickly manage well log data files. It enables user to edit log file, to analyze data using advance calculator, to plot log as single well plot, and also to conduct cross-sectional plot in order to compare each individual well log data and etc. The software uses modern graphical interface. It also has a lots of features that makes it perfect for day to day working software.

LogView++ Cross Section

Updated News: Latest version of LogView++ Pro 2016 is released (2016-10-20).

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Key features of this LogView++ are:

  • Well Trajectory Editor.
    In log plotting, sometimes it is very important to switch from MD Depth Mode to TVD Depth Mode. In a deviated well or horizontal well, moving from MD to TVD should be supported by a valid well trajectory.
  • Advance log (LAS) editing.
    Log editor will shows the numerical data of LAS file in a compact table. In the log editor, it is possible to edit LAS data column including rename, delete, add, manage using advance calculator, and also make a partial log.
  • Lithology Log editing.
    By using lithology editor, it is possible to create or add a litology of each depth interval of the well to mark it as spesific rock type.
  • Advance template editor.
    Template is used as format of single log plotting and cross section plotting. LogView++ 2014 support data of line (curve), area, and also completion data.
  • Easy zone editor.
    A reservoir might contain several zones in it, that cause vertical heterogenity. It is very important for cross section plotting.
  • Easy completion editor.
    This feature enables you to add or delete completion package, and modify tool contained in the package.
  • Single log plotting.
    It is the basic log plotting that might you need to evaluate specific well log data.
  • Cross section plotting.
    This plot is beneficial for geologist to understand well by well corelation by plottting all well together in one chart.
  • Plugins.
    This plugin is new feature in LogView++ Pro 2016. It enables user to extend the capability of LogView++ by adding customized features. In version 2016, the built-in plugins included in the distribution are quick-plotter, advance log analysis, and hingle-plot.

LogView++ is built using Microsoft Visual Studio Express / Community Edition, CodeBlock IDE, and  wxWidgets GUI Library. LogView++ is free for non-comercial purposes. However, if you found that LogView++ is usefull and you want to contributes, please follow the donation link.