LogView++ Pro 2016 is now released. This latest version of LogView++ delivers many bug-fix and features that never been there before.
LogView++ has been bought-back by Firagiel.com. Be ready for another enhancement of LogView++ in the near future.
Two new technical papers are added to Firagiel.com.
New android application “Math One” and “Hitung Satu” is released.
The first released version of SafiraPVT 1.0 is out.
The alpha version of SafiraPVT 0.1 is released.
LogView++ is no longer available in firagiel.com since It has been acquired by www.RigResultsOnline.com. Visit the website for further announcement.
New version of AgielNN 2.0 has been released. The new version offers many bug fix and new features compared to the previous one.
New version of LogView++ 2014.0 has been released. The new version offers many new feature compared to the previous one.
Updated version of AgielNN 1.2 has been released. The released mostly fixing many bugs report of using AgielNN in non “English (United Stated)” region format which uses “comma” for decimal. Thanks for bugs report..
To make easier maintenance, FIRAGIEL website finally managed by using Tribiq CMS.
Some minor bugs in LogView++ have been fixed. Please refer to updated version of LogView++ 2012.3.2.
Problem on registering Firagiel Forum has been fixed. However, all forum need to be reset.
An important bugs of saving project in LogView++ 2012.3 has been reported. So, please download the corrected version of 2012.3.1.
LogView++ 2012.3 has been released
Installer of AgielNN-1.1 is ready
Due to many complaint regarding failure of sending email to Firagiel, now official email of Firagiel has been moved to firagiel@gmail.com
AgielNN-1.1 has been released.
Firagiel.com officially born.